Here in my neck of the woods, we’re having historic floods. I’m talking the once-in-500-years-type floods even though, really, it’s only been 38 years since the last 500-year-flood. Still, there’s lots of water everywhere where it shouldn’t be: covering roads, filling up the local amusement park, and in people’s homes. It’s been scary and stressful and overwhelming even though my house is completely dry.
But the Ex’s house is in the flood zone. He has water in the basement which, in the scheme of things is no biggie, but electricity service was shut off for safety purposes last evening. So, because I’m the nicest fucking person on the planet, I invited the Ex and the dog to come stay out here on dry land with me and Monster.
I’m tired. So very tired. And when I start pining for a puppy, please remind me of this. Obviously, whenever the routine a puppy and toddler are used to gets meddled with, neither of them are happy. This was no exception. Monster was so confused as to why the dog was here and why Dada wasn't leaving. Bedtimes and usual wake up times were totally ignored. Monster ended up in bed with me but at a strange angle with his feet in my face and his head dangerously close to the edge. So, yeah, I didn’t sleep. Plus the damn dog was pacing and her toe nails tap tap tapped all over the floor all night.
Despite my sleepless night, I’m so very lucky to be safe and sound with only a boil water advisory. I hope all is well with y’all out there also. It’s been crazy in the Mid Atlantic region over the past few weeks. We’ve had an earthquake, a hurricane, and a tropical storm that caused massive flooding. Oh, and PA’s capital city is near state takeover so it’s pretty much Armageddon up in here. All the while I’m doing my best with a testy 2-year-old whose schedule is so out of whack I don’t know how/when he’ll recover. But, what can I do? Keep on keepin’ on.
How are your kids at dealing with disasters?
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